摘要格式 Abstract Format
- 建議版面設定:版面大小採 A4 格式,邊界:上、下、左、右 各5 cm。摘要本文以 500字數以內為限。
- 建議打字規則:
- 全英文撰寫。
- 英文字型:Times New Roman。字型大小:12 pt。
- 題目(請用粗體)、全部作者姓名(以參賽者為第一作者,指導教授為最後作者)、服務機關及單位全名,置中對齊;第一作者姓名下須加底線;通訊作者/指導教授請於姓名右上角標註*星號。作者之間請空半形 2 格,作者分屬不同單位時,請於“姓名右上角”及“單位左上角”加註數字上標,如 1,2,3…。不同服務機關請換行書寫。
- 段落對齊方式:左右對齊。行距:單行間距。
- 建議摘要內容包含:背景(Background)、目的(Purpose or Aim)、材料與方法(Materials and Methods)、結果(Results)、結論(Conclusion)、關鍵字(Keywords),並請分段。
- 投稿摘要請繳交word檔,檔名為:第一作者(參賽者)姓名–學系單位/工作單位 (例如: 王小明–醫學研究所.docx)。(學生請寫本人之系所單位,若為博後或助理,請寫實驗室老闆之工作單位)。
- Recommended Layout Settings:
- Paper size: A4 format.
- Margins: Top, Bottom, Left, Right – 1.5 cm each.
- Abstract should be within 500 words.
- Recommended Typing Rules:
- The abstract must be written in English.
- Font: Times New Roman, Font size: 12 pt.
- Title (in bold), full names of all authors (with the first author being the participant and the supervising professor being the last author), the full name of the affiliated institution or organization, centered alignment.
- The first author’s name must be underlined.
- Corresponding author/supervising professor should have an asterisk (*) marked at the upper right corner of their name.
- There should be a space of half a character (2 spaces) between authors.
- When authors are from different institutions, superscript numbers (e.g., 1, 2, 3, …) should be placed next to their names and at the left of the institution’s name. Different institutions should be listed on separate lines.
- Paragraph Alignment and Spacing:
- Text should be justified (aligned to both left and right).
- Line spacing: Single line spacing.
- Suggested Abstract Content:
- The abstract should include: Background, Purpose or Aim, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusion, and Keywords. Please separate these into distinct paragraphs.
- File Submission:
- Submit the abstract as a Word document.
- File name format: First Author (Participant) Name – Department/Institution (e.g., Wang Xiaoming – Institute of Medical Research.docx).
- (For students, use their department name; for postdocs or assistants, use the lab head’s workplace).