電子海報格式 Electronic Poster Format
- 直式尺寸: 高101.6公分*寬57.14公分。
- 壁報內容以一頁為限,應以參賽者(第一作者)的實驗成果為主,海報設計、顏色、排版可自由發揮。
- 數據圖表及文字大小以能清楚閱讀為原則,圖片解析度至少300dpi(檔案放大 2 倍時圖片仍然清晰)。
- 壁報內容一律採用英文呈現。
- 建議標題字型大小48pt,內容字型大小40pt。
- 壁報檔案請繳交PDF檔(請勿設定保全),檔名為:第一作者(參賽者)姓名–學系單位/工作單位 (例如: 王小明–醫學研究所.docx)。(學生請寫本人之系所單位,若為博後或助理,請寫實驗室老闆之工作單位)。
- 電子海報統一由學院上傳電子看版。
- Vertical dimensions: Height 101.6 cm * Width 57.14 cm.
- The poster content is limited to one page and should primarily focus on the experimental results of the participant (first author). The design, colors, and layout of the poster can be creatively chosen.
- Data charts and text size should be chosen to ensure clear readability. Image resolution must be at least 300 dpi (the image should remain clear even when the file is enlarged by 2 times).
- All poster content must be presented in English.
- It is recommended that the title font size be 48pt, and the content font size be 40pt.
- Please submit the poster file in PDF format (do not apply any security settings), with the file name in the following format: First author’s name – Department/Institution (e.g., Wang Xiaoming – Department of Medical Research.docx). (Students should use their own department/unit name; postdocs or assistants should use the work unit of their lab supervisor).
- The electronic poster will be uploaded to the electronic bulletin board by the college.