活動日程Event Schedule

0328 () 12:00PM 摘要繳交、線上報名截止

0404 () 12:00PM 壁報收件截止

0415 () 12:00PM 壁報口試(學士組、碩士組、博士組

0416 () 12:00PM 壁報口試(學士組、碩士組、博士組)

0417 () 14:00PM 成績公佈與頒獎

March 28 (Friday), 12:00 PM: Summary submission and online registration deadline

April 4 (Friday), 12:00 PM: Poster submission deadline

April 15 (Tuesday), 12:00 PM: Poster presentation (Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctoral categories) 

April 16 (Wednesday), 12:00 PM: Poster presentation (Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctoral categories)

April 17 (Thursday), 2:00 PM: Results announcement and awards ceremony


摘要:一律以英文撰寫。114年03月28日 中午12:00前完成線上報名與繳交壁報論文摘要(電子檔:word檔)

Abstract: Must be written in English. Complete online registration and submit the poster abstract (electronic file: Word document) by 12:00 PM on March 28, 2025.

電子海報:請於114年4月4日 中午12:00前繳交電子海報檔案(電子檔:pdf檔)

檔案過大會無法上傳,請勿超過 5MB

Electronic Poster: Please submit the electronic poster file (electronic file: PDF) by 12:00 PM on April 4, 2025.

If the file is too large, it cannot be uploaded. Please ensure that the file size does not exceed 5MB.